I've found most of my inspiration reading the stories of those who are stewarding this work

here's mine

Even the ones that no one wants to feel

Especially the ones no one wants to feel

There’s no one on this planet that completely avoids feeling all the emotions, despite what you see when you scroll social media of everyone living their best life and never feeling sad.

I'm here to remind you that it’s possible to feel ALL your emotions (at their intensity) and still live a badass and joyful life. Because I’m living breathing proof that even the most sensitive people aren’t flawed.

I’m not here to stand on my soap box and preach, "that this way is the only way!" I’m here to share the rawness of how much my emotions seemingly crushed me for years until I found a way to integrate them into my life. And it didn’t require me to make them smaller

Which is what keeps my clients coming to me, because perhaps I’m one of the rare people that’s pushing for you to feel more intensely than you already do. And that’s the magic of my story.

There’s no one on this planet that completely avoids feeling all the emotions, despite what you see when you scroll social media of everyone living their best life and never feeling sad.

I'm here to remind you that it’s possible to feel ALL your emotions (at their intensity) and still live a badass and joyful life. Because I’m living breathing proof that even the most sensitive people aren’t flawed.

I’m not here to stand on my soap box and preach, "that this way is the only way!" I’m here to share the rawness of how much my emotions seemingly crushed me for years until I found a way to integrate them into my life. And it didn’t require me to make them smaller

Which is what keeps my clients coming to me, because perhaps I’m one of the rare people that’s pushing for you to feel more intensely than you already do. And that’s the magic of my story.

Before we start, I want to let you in on a secret that I wish I’d known sooner: Emotions are an essential part of life. 

Now that you know, here’s what makes me, me, big emotions and all 

I don't work at a desk, coffee shops & kitchen counters preferred, at any given time I’m probably reading 4 books, & small talk is a hard pass

And this about page is meant to take you through the metaphorical journey of the twists and turns that landed me as a coach on the very thing I thought was ruining my life. So grab your favorite warm drink, and let's start with the obvious.

I’m also a shameless dog mom, a web designer, a Denver resident for now, and the friend that’s going to send you a song when I’m thinking about you because music is my primary love language.

You can probably find me in my kitchen groovin’ to whatever music fits my mood, my notes app is full of half-written poems and notes you’ll likely have to decode from the 4 books (and 3 audiobooks) on my current roster, I’m one of those rare people who’s not active on social media, and most recently, I’ve found a deep obsession with pickleball to which I don’t even know the real rules and I’m not that good but hey, pointless fun is a lifestyle.

Coffee and breakky are the 2 things that get me out of bed most days, yet I’m the epitome of a morning person, I’m the most approachable person you’ve probably ever met, as told to me by most grocery clerks and general strangers on the street looking for directions to a place I’ve only lived in for 1 month, and for at least the last 3 years of my life I’ve found more clarity in sitting in my own chaos than in any self-help book, course, or seminar.

Feel like you know me yet? A little?  Well let’s adventure on.

Hi, I'm Lex!

Tthis about page is meant to take you through the metaphorical journey of the twists and turns that landed me as a coach on the very thing I thought was ruining my life. So grab your favorite warm drink, and let's start with the obvious.

I’m also a shameless dog mom, a web designer, a Denver resident for now, and the friend that’s going to send you a song when I’m thinking about you because music is my primary love language.

You can probably find me in my kitchen groovin’ to whatever music fits my mood, my notes app is full of half-written poems and notes you’ll likely have to decode from the 4 books (and 3 audiobooks) on my roster, I’m one of those rare people who’s not active on social media, and most recently, I’ve found a deep obsession with pickleball to which I don’t even know the real rules and I’m not that good but hey, pointless fun is a lifestyle.

Coffee and breakky are the 2 things that get me out of bed most days, yet I’m the epitome of a morning person, I’m the most approachable person you’ve probably ever met, as told to me by most grocery clerks and general strangers on the street looking for directions to a place I’ve only lived in for 1 month, and for at least the last 3 years of my life I’ve found more clarity in sitting in my own chaos than in any self-help book, course, or seminar.

Feel like you know me yet? A little? Well let’s adventure on.

I was totally and wholeheartedly convinced that I'd never get what I wanted in life if I didn't learn how to find a way to hold back the tidal wave of emotions that lived within me what seemed like all the time. 

I spent years approaching this *problem* with *solutions* that didn't work leaving me feeling unheard, unseen, unlovable, and seemingly unable to move forward. 

In one of my many rock bottoms, in search for anything to make sense, I discovered I was approaching my sensitivity all wrong, and so I took a different approach that changed my life forever.

is that I spent an absurd amount of my time fighting my emotions, holding back tears and avoiding situations that would expose my sensitivity aka my weakness

I’m also a shameless dog mom, a web designer, a Denver resident for now, and the friend that’s going to send you a song when I’m thinking about you because music is my primary love language.

You can probably find me in my kitchen groovin’ to whatever music fits my mood, my notes app is full of half-written poems and notes you’ll likely have to decode from the 4 books (and 3 audiobooks) on my roster, I’m one of those rare people who’s not active on social media, and most recently, I’ve found a deep obsession with pickleball to which I don’t even know the real rules and I’m not that good but hey, pointless fun is a lifestyle.

Coffee and breakky are the 2 things that get me out of bed most days, yet I’m the epitome of a morning person, I’m the most approachable person you’ve probably ever met, as told to me by most grocery clerks and general strangers on the street looking for directions to a place I’ve only lived in for 1 month, and for at least the last 3 years of my life I’ve found more clarity in sitting in my own chaos than in any self-help book, course, or seminar.

Feel like you know me yet? A little? Well let’s adventure on.

I was totally and wholeheartedly convinced that I'd never get what I wanted in my life if I didn't learn how to find a way to hold back the tidal wave of emotions that lived within me what seemed like all the time. 

I spent years approaching this "problem" with solutions that didn't work that left me feeling unheard, unseen, unlovable, and seemingly unable to move forward.

What most people don't know 

Actually, it was one of the most anti-climatic moments imo that changed everything for me.

The realization that this whole ‘game’ I was playing of not letting people see my emotions, of putting maximum effort to hide who I was was all a choice that I was actively making and I could simply choose differently. I could stop victimizing my emotions.

There was no secret pill, *psychedelic* medicine, or mindful practice that changed it all, though I wish there was for the sake of being able to point to it and say, ‘THAT! DO THAT!’

It was cumulative process that came to a point in which in finally clicked. Who I was wasn’t flawed, I simply had to embrace it.

Those next steps weren’t easy, but they were simple and through the help of my therapist, a coach, and the continuation of my mindfulness practices and psychedelic journeys (okay they were important), I continue to uncover ways in which I can make different choices, allow my emotions to be my guides, and extract their wisdom and power to undo my old patterns and create new ones that support the life I want to live. The work I’m still doing!

This is where I leave you sitting on the edge of your seat, popcorn in hand, waiting for what happened next, or at least, in my mind that’s what you’re doing

Actually, it was one of the most anti-climatic moments IMO that changed everything for me.

The realization that this whole ‘game’ I was playing of not letting people see my emotions, of putting maximum effort to hide who I was was all a choice that I was actively making and I could simply choose differently. I could stop victimizing my emotions.

There was no secret pill, *psychedelic* medicine, or mindful practice that changed it all, though I wish there was for the sake of being able to point to it and say, ‘THAT! DO THAT!’
It was cumulative process that came to a point in which in finally clicked. Who I was wasn’t flawed, I simply had to embrace it.

Those next steps weren’t easy, but they were simple and through the help of my therapist, a coach, and the continuation of my mindfulness practices and psychedelic journeys (okay they were important), I continue to uncover ways in which I can make different choices, allow my emotions to be my guides, and extract their wisdom and power to undo my old patterns and create new ones that support the life I want to live. The work I’m still doing!

Allow me to paint you a picture that may feel eerily similar. 

You know you have a lot to offer to this world yet you feel so deeply and so much of your current time and energy is spent on making sure you don't show how you really feel because you fear how others might react. It’s as if you’re in an open field trying to avoid all the landmines and despite how clear the map is, there’s something that still gets you by surprise. And I bet you’re over it. 

You’ve tried the meds, the talk therapy, the self-help books, the ‘pretending like this isn’t actually the way you are and it’s all made up in your head and trying to sidestep it’ model, and yet you remain still stuck with the same triggers, repeating the same habits, getting pummeled by the same tidal waves of your feelings, and thinking, ‘wtf is wrong with me.’

At some point you think you can fake it till you make it into a normal existence in which your emotions aren’t the main character. And you continue to hold hope that eventually you’ll find something that fixes what's wrong with you

Now, while I certainly can’t promise that I’m the answer to your problem, *because I don’t think you have a problem*, I can ensure working with me is the best possible plan if you want to start using your emotions as a superpower.

And by “superpower, I mean turning your emotions into a roadmap, gaining the ability to express and transform your feelings (yep, all of them!) into the most important tool in your toolbox so you can live your life emotionally free and get what you want, without worrying about everyone else.

Allow me to paint you a picture that may feel eerily similar. 

You know you have a lot to offer to this world yet you feel so deeply and so much of your current time and energy is spent on making sure you don't show how you really feel because you fear how others might react. It’s as if you’re in an open field trying to avoid all the landmines and despite how clear the map is, there’s something that still gets you by surprise. And I bet you’re over it. 

You’ve tried the meds, the talk therapy, the self-help books, the ‘pretending like this isn’t actually the way you are and it’s all made up in your head and trying to sidestep it’ model, and yet you remain still stuck with the same triggers, repeating the same habits, getting pummeled by the same tidal waves of your feelings, and thinking, ‘wtf is wrong with me.’

At some point you think you can fake it till you make it into a normal existence in which your emotions aren’t the main character. And you continue to hold hope that eventually you’ll find something that fixes what's wrong with you

Now, while I certainly can’t promise that I’m the answer to your problem, *because I don’t think you have a problem*, I can ensure working with me is the best possible plan if you want to start using your emotions as a superpower.

And by “superpower, I mean turning your emotions into a roadmap, gaining the ability to express and transform your feelings (yep, all of them!) into the most important tool in your toolbox so you can live your life emotionally free and get what you want, without worrying about everyone else.

And perhaps the deep call you feel to work with psychedelics is actually the entry point to a totally different way to live that I can help you walk into.

So why do you need me?

I don't think this is a 'follow these steps' kind of story, but because transparency is important to me, here's how my journey went down.

I don't think this is a 'follow these steps' kind of story, but because transparency is important to me, here's how my journey went down.

the unravelling

what actually happened

the awakening

One day in a meditation, I heard the message, “Get off birth control so you can feel more connected to yourself.”

You can imagine my confusion (?!?) as someone who literally sucked at meditating and felt like I was always counting the down the seconds until it was over. But I did what the message said, and in the following months I found myself deep in introspection, asking questions to myself and receiving answers that felt like breadcrumbs guiding me toward a different way to live.


No spared details


Along the way, I found myself unintentionally working for a ketamine treatment company, when I didn’t even know what ketamine was.

As the content marketing manager (my former career) I was in charge of the blog, researching neuroplasticity and the effectiveness of psychedelic medicine for mental health. Curious af at this point, I made a consultation and began ketamine treatment for my own anxiety which seemed to linger in my life.


No spared details


the curiosity

I didn’t realize that I was deep in the process of building healthier and sustainable neural pathways that no longer saw me as the victim but rather an experiment.

This led me down the path of more intentional journey work, attending ceremonies, and microdosing mushrooms to integrate the experiences I was having. As much as I researched when I worked for the ketamine company, I had no idea what I was doing, I was just following my intuition and taking the next best step over and over again. 


No spared details


the changing

In one of my higher-dose ceremonies, I found myself in an experience in which I felt I had no support, no one who understood what I went through, and no idea how to reconnect myself back to my earth-side life.

For 7 months I tried making sense of what happened and though to this day I’m still unpacking it, it all made sense when I got a mysterious free ticket to the MAPS conference in Denver, found the integration coaching program I’m now certified in, and heard loud and clear that I was exactly where I was supposed to be. 


No spared details


the climax

And though I want that to be the end of this beautifully linear story, it wasn’t. My doubts continued to rise, and I questioned that this was the right path for me. As someone who struggles to do just one thing, I was finding it hard to put all my eggs into this basket without fearing what I’d be missing.

Then I had one of the most pivotal psychedelic journeys of my life, reminding me that this work was simply one tool in my toolbox, but where I really was meant to be focusing my attention on was the emotions I had run from my whole life. 


No spared details


the plot twist

Moments of anger arose. The thing I spent ALL my energy avoiding was the thing I was meant to be coaching on? What kind of sick joke was this?

When I eventually let out the anger and the grief of the ‘wasted’ time trying to hide who I was for all those years be, I realized that the only way I could coach people through this was if I’d gone through it myself. A gift.

Which is exactly where you’re finding me now. Eager to see how I can help others embrace their gifts, live the lives they want, and love who they are without feeling like they need to change. 



No spared details

the resolution

But I’m also available to help prepare you for your first psychedelic journey, master your microdosing protocol for transformative results, give you mindfulness tools that work for you, invite you to my group coaching cohorts to experience the magic of healing in community, or simply mentor you on how to be more emotionally resilient so you can take those big leaps confidently. 


But I’m also available to help prepare you for your first psychedelic journey, master your microdosing protocol for transformative results, give you mindfulness tools that work for you, invite you to my group coaching cohorts to experience the magic of healing in community, or simply mentor you on how to be more emotionally resilient so you can take those big leaps confidently. 

The point of sharing all of this with you

I'd love to be your microdosing  & integration coach

(or mentor, confidante, whatever term tickles your fancy)

the art of change, one habit at a time


10 reasons to work with me

My heart-centered offerings


My mission is to empower others to embrace and embody their emotions with reverence, radical self-honesty, curiosity, and a willingness to choose differently to create a world in which emotions are celebrated.

I believe that no matter how much support you have on this journey, self-education is continually one of the most important investments you can make. Which is why I make time for my personal learning and growth through continuing education and research, as well as providing loads of resources on my blog and in my newsletter so my readers can continue their path of evolution and I can stay true to what I believe in.


core values


giving back




My coaching practice is rooted in empathy because as much as we like to think we know everything that’s going on with everyone around us, we really don’t. I live my life this way in my professional and my personal life. Flexibility and understanding are core to who I am and how I want my clients to feel. 



core values



giving back


I’m not ignorant to the fact that I’m a very privileged white woman working with medicine that is not mine. It’s because of this that I make a conscious effort to honor the indigenous peoples that came before me who brought and fought for these medicines at the forefront by giving back to organizations that support indigenous land and rights. Here’s my most recent organization I’m donating 10% of my profits to with every client I take on. 





core values



giving back


I believe that no matter how much support you have on this journey, self-education is continually one of the most important investments you can make. Which is why I make time for my personal learning and growth through continuing education and research, as well as providing loads of resources on my blog and in my newsletter so my readers can continue their path of evolution and I can stay true to what I believe in.





core values


giving back

My coaching practice is rooted in empathy because as much as we like to think we know everything that’s going on with everyone around us, we really don’t. I live my life this way in my professional and my personal life. Flexibility and understanding are core to who I am and how I want my clients to feel. 





core values

giving back


I’m not ignorant to the fact that I’m a very privileged white woman working with medicine that is not mine. It’s because of this that I make a conscious effort to honor the indigenous peoples that came before me who brought and fought for these medicines at the forefront by giving back to organizations that support indigenous land and rights. Here’s my most recent organization I’m donating 10% of my profits to with every client I take on. 

giving back




core values



Some things that may or may not be relatable but make sense to me

Wanna know more?

what's in my cup


human design

words i love

podcasts I subscribe to

nicknames for my dog

music on repeat


capricorn rising

saggitarius sun

cancer moon 

feeling sense

manifesting generator

6/4: the responsible adventurer

gut intuition

The moon 
pulls whole oceans of water
in and out
every day
and you’re telling me
as a body of mostly water
there is no way
this could ever affect
the ways you are feeling?

Ziggy Alberts


St. south

trevor hall

ziggy alberts

emmit fenn

lane 8

taylor swift

Expanded //
to be magnetic

we can do hard things

On Purpose with Jay Shetty

Almost 30

Impressive multitasker

Handstands everywhere

Creative genius

Impulsive decision maker

Energy purifier

Turning emotions to empowerment

Helping people live more life




lilo burrito

mamacita babygirl

stinkiest breath in the whole wide world




half cafe americano

coconut water

In that order

What's in my cup


human design

podcasts i subscribe

music on repeat


nicknames for my dog

Wanna know a bit more?

Some things that may or may not be relatable but make sense to me! Scroll through to learn more

Words I love

capricorn Rising

saggitarius sun

cancer moon

feeling sense

manifesting generator

6/3: the responsible adventurer

gut intuition

The moon 
pulls whole oceans of water
in and out
every day
and you’re telling me
as a body of mostly water
there is no way
this could ever affect
the ways you are feeling?

Ziggy alberts


st. south

trevor hall

ziggy alberts

emmit fenn

lane 8

taylor swift reluctantly

expanded // to be magnetic

Almost 30

we can do hard things

On purpose with jay shetty

Impulsive decision maker

Impressive multi-tasker

Handstands everywhere 

Energy purifier

Helping people live more life

Turning emotions to empowerment

Creative genius


Stinkiest breath in the whole wide world

Lilo burrito

Mamacita babygirl


Baby squid




half cafe americano

Coconut water

In that order

Actually, let’s uncover what emotions are holding you back so we can redirect your energy to step forward into a life that feels more authentic and aligned for you

Book a complimentary call

Now that you know so much about me, let's dive into you