book an exploration call

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Simple as that

Join us for 12-weeks as we dive into the art and science of microdosing, woven with education, intention, and the power of community as you learn how to create the relationships you've been craving.

If you don't know the science, sacredness, and practice that goes into a microdosing protocol, then you can't use it to create more connection

book an exploration call

When we work in groups, the transformational power is exponential. This will be a unique opportunity to learn and connect with others who are looking to evolve and rise to the challenges and opportunities of life from a new and expansive perspective by mastering the tool of microdosing.

My approach is about taking advantage of the synergy that exists between the science and the spiritual to create more potent and sustainable change. 

Join us for 12-weeks as we dive into the art and science of microdosing, woven with education, intention, and the power of community as you learn how to create the relationships you've been craving.

apply now

If you don't know the science, sacredness, and practice that goes into a microdosing protocol, then you can't use it to create more connection

Simple as that

When we work in groups, the transformational power is exponential. This will be a unique opportunity to learn and connect with others who are looking to evolve and rise to the challenges and opportunities of life from a new and expansive perspective by mastering the tool of microdosing.

My approach is about taking advantage of the synergy that exists between the science and the spiritual to create more potent and sustainable change. 

When I first started this work, I had no doubt that I could follow the steps of the protocol and get to work quickly on the change I was eager to implement.

And that's when one of my first mentors asked me "how are you integrating your microdosing protocol?" — I panicked.

What even is integration? I was just taking the medicine and waiting for it to work.

"My self-awareness is top notch, I have all the humility I could ever need, I am ready to implement whatever the medicine tells me I need to."

That's what I could have said.

When I first started this work, I had no doubt that I could follow the steps of the protocol and get to work quickly on the change I was eager to implement. And that's when one of my first mentors asked me "how are you integrating your microdosing protocol?"  — I panicked.

What even is integration? I was just taking the medicine and waiting for it to work.

"My self-awareness is top notch, I have all the humility I could ever need, I am ready to implement whatever the medicine tells me I need to."

That's what I could have said.

The magic that microdosing offers comes when you take an active role in the process, because at the end of the day, you and the medicine are collaborators in your growth and  evolution.

I'd been relying on my self-awareness and self-ownership mentality up until that point. Which all served a purpose, for sure. But all the self-awareness and humility in the world was not enough to make the changes I wanted to make.  

I wanted sustainable results over the quick ones. I wanted to align my head, heart, and soul so I felt devoted to my purpose in this life from a place that I couldn't be deterred from.

Microdosing is essentially  a gentle meander through the forest.

I'd been relying on my self-awareness and self-ownership mentality up until that point.  Which all served a purpose, for sure. But all the self-awareness and humility in the world was not enough to make the changes I wanted to make.  

I wanted sustainable results over the quick ones. I wanted to align my head, heart, and soul so I felt devoted to my purpose in this life from a place that I couldn't be deterred from.

Your official invitation to a fireside circle after your forest meander.

way more!

But to microdose for real change requires more than that

This is your place to talk about what you uncovered, make deep connections with others, get support with the challenges you're facing, and take the magic of the forest (aka the lessons) with you wherever you go

enter beyond microdosing



I've taken everything I've learned, tested, and guided my clients through to create a holistic, education- packed, application-driven, and community-oriented program focused on helping you navigate how to use microdosing to create a deeper connection to yourself and others.

Evolve  your connection to yourself and others

The intimate group container is intended to be a place to explore connection in a new way. You have permission to show up as your most authentic self and contribute from that place. This is a place for you to see beyond the small talk and explore the depth of human connection from an empowered place.

Connect to the scientific & spiritual power of plant medicine

Understanding the tool of microdosing can help make sense of how change in the brain happens. Once you can make sense of this for yourself, then you can open yourself up to the spiritual energy the medicine holds. This combo is the real magic, rooted in reality and expanded through spirituality defined by you. 

Take full ownership of your life

When you embody that life is made up of choices and you're the one in charge of the choices you make, you'll experience a rush of energy and power. When we model this in a group, we can supercharge that feeling. By all of us taking this pledge,  we empower ourselves and each other to become the author of our lives, encouraging empowered choice.

Deepen your relationship with your emotions

When you create a relationship with your emotions, you set yourself free and give yourself more capacity to feel more of life across the spectrum. Through somatic and embodiment practices and compassionate inquiry, you'll learn to see your emotions in a new light (especially difficult ones), no longer fearing or being embarrassed by them, rather seeing that they are your life force energy. 

Understanding the tool of microdosing can help make sense of how change in the brain happens. Once you can make sense of this for yourself, then you can open yourself up to the spiritual energy the medicine holds. This combo is the real magic, rooted in reality and expanded through spirituality defined by you. 

The intimate group container is intended to be a place to explore connection in a new way. You have permission to show up as your most authentic self and contribute from that place. This is a place for you to see beyond the small talk and explore the depth of human connection from an empowered place.

When you embody that life is made up of choices and you're the one in charge of the choices you make, you'll experience a rush of energy and power. When we model this in a group, we can supercharge that feeling. By all of us taking this pledge, we empower ourselves and each other to become the author of our lives, encouraging empowered choice.

When you create a relationship with your emotions, you set yourself free and give yourself more capacity to feel more of life across the spectrum. Through somatic and embodiment practices and compassionate inquiry, you'll learn to see your emotions in a new light, no longer fearing or being embarrassed by them, rather seeing that they are your life force energy. 

Here's how it's gonna go

We'll create the conditions for this group in our first session, defining how we want to structure it and what's the most supportive for the collective.

the container

Duration | 12 Weeks

Duration | 12 Weeks

(1) 60-minute 1:1 Session

(1) 60-minute 1:1 Session

We'll align on your goals and expectations from the program and align on what your personal dosing and frequency will be throughout the 12 weeks.

(12) 120-minute group sessions

(12) 120-minute group sessions

We'll alternate between education and discussion sessions and integration sessions to discuss your own discovery and internal navigation throughout the protocol. All sessions are virutal.

Whatsapp private group chat with unlimited support from me

Whatsapp private group chat with unlimited support from me

We'll create the conditions for this group in our first session, defining how we want to structure it and what's the most supportive for the collective.

A trusted network of practitioners as you continue your medicine journey 

Access to a trusted network of practitioners as you continue your alternative healing journey

Apply now

We'll align on your goals and expectations from the program and align on what your personal dosing and frequency will be throughout the 12 weeks.

We'll alternate between education and discussion sessions and integration sessions to discuss your own discovery and internal navigation throughout the protocol. All sessions are virutal.

Applying integration into your life and within the group integration sessions is a big component of the program. Each session will be an opportunity for you to discuss your personal experience, challenges, and opportunities, and listen to your peers' experiences. 

the doing

rewiring neural pathways

rewiring neural pathways

The art of noticing

The art of noticing

Alongside learning about how microdosing effects the brain, you'll be taking advantage of the increased neuroplastic benefits that are induced through consistent practice and support.

Emotional Transformation

Emotional Channeling

Our work together collectively will require you to set intentions, check-in, and reflect day-to-day. Teaching yourself the art of noticing and being with what's coming up will be practiced routinely.

the learning

Your new relationship with your emotions can yield a lot of energy and power. Learning how to practice and channel your felt emotions to extract their wisdom and alchemize their teachings will be a game changer in how you connect with yourself and others.

Personal & collective integration

Personal & collective integration

Applying integration into your life and within the group integration sessions is a big component of the program. Each session will be an opportunity for you to discuss your personal experience, challenges, and opportunities, and listen to your peers' experiences. 

Protocol, dosing & frequency

Protocol, dosing & frequency

The skill of microdosing

The skill of psychedelics

Understand how, when, why, and how much to microdose for the change you seek. Learn how you could repeat this process the same or differently in the future, with informed and strategic application.

Self-Awareness & Regulation

Self-Awareness & REgulation

Microdosing is a tool not a quick fix, you'll learn how to evolve this skill through different practices, learning modules, intentional application, and reflection throughout the program.

Working with entheogens can cause deep connection to emotions and inspiration. Learning how to become aware and regulate these states is the key to mastering them for your own growth and transformation. 

Authentic relating

psychedelic integration 101

Vulnerability, boundaries, and communication are just the start of learning how to relate authentically. You'll be learning strategies on how to create deeper and more intentional relationships that are sustainable and enriching from all angles.

The breakdown of the container

Understand how, when, why, and how much to microdose for the change you seek. Learn how you could repeat this process the same or differently in the future, with informed and strategic application.

Psychedelics are a tool not a quick fix, you'll learn how to evolve this skill through different practices, learning modules, intentional application, and reflection.

Working with entheogens can cause deep connection to emotions and inspiration. Learning how to become aware and regulate these states is the key to mastering them for your own growth and transformation.

How you walk this new path in "regular life" is all apart of the integration work. Even low-doses can be intentionally integrated to create lasting change. Discover the best way to do this for you, creating your formula for bridging the gap. 

Alongside learning about how microdosing effects the brain, you'll be taking advantage of the increased neuroplastic benefits that are induced through consistent practice and support.

Our work together collectively will require you to set intentions, check-in, and reflect day-to-day. Teaching yourself the art of noticing and being with what's coming up will be practiced routinely.

Your new relationship with your emotions can yield a lot of energy and power. Learning how to practice and channel your emotions to extract their wisdom and alchemize their teachings will be a game changer in your evolution.

Connect with your creative spirit and nourish yourself, preventing burnout and overwhelm

Learn how to use psychedelics for personal and relational growth without catapulting yourself out of the galaxy 

Overcome and rewire the old habits, patterns, and narratives that you know hold you back from who you know you can be

Explore a deeper, more fulfilling connection with yourself and others to call in more aligned relationships

Take ownership of your healing and growth journey, and choose the life you authentically want to live with people you actually want to be around

Experience a new way of being human that favors curiosity over judgment and love over fear

if you're ready to

Kind words

"I feel like dozens of seeds have been planted over the last few months.

I feel more aligned with the life I'm building, the career I am looking to transition to, the people I am choosing to surround myself with. I know it is a life of peace, growth, love, joy, and stability. I am more comfortable being by myself, and I'm more confident in my choices.  

"I feel like dozens of seeds have been planted over the last few months.

I feel more aligned with the life I'm building, the career I am looking to transition to, the people I am choosing to surround myself with. I know it is a life of peace, growth, love, joy, and stability. I am more comfortable being by myself, and I'm more confident in my choices."  

Alegra G.

"Lex is wise beyond her years.

Her emotional capacity goes to great depths, and she's able to hold impeccable space for any situation. Alexa's warm, accepting and grounded presence puts you right at ease. She's a professional, and yet she's able to see past the mundane and embodies a sense of mysticism. She has helped me to see my nuggets of truth in a way that I wouldn't have otherwise. Alexa's integrity is the most impressive in these medicine spaces and I'd choose to work with her again and again."

"Lex is wise beyond her years"

Her emotional capacity goes to great depths, and she's able to hold impeccable space for any situation. Alexa's warm, accepting and grounded presence puts you right at ease. She's a professional, and yet she's able to see past the mundane and embodies a sense of mysticism. She has helped me to see my nuggets of truth in a way that I wouldn't have otherwise. Alexa's integrity is the most impressive in these medicine spaces and I'd choose to work with her again and again.

Jamie B

"you can sense Lex's open heart and deep attunement and sensitivity to others before she even utters a word.

 But, once she out. She is able to home in on your core limiting pattern or belief in supersonic speed, helping you see the truth about your situation or pervasive feeling of stuckness in a supportive, kind way. I love her fresh perspective on the seemingly "unsolvable" issues in my life that I've been living with for decades. She not only gives you new hope but provides you with an actual roadmap to where you want to go... especially, if your path is the road less taken. If you've been overthinking your issues for years, and still don't see a way out, just book a call. Alexa can help. Plus, she's an effervescent joy to work with! 

"You can sense Lex's open heart and deep attunement and sensitivity to others before she even utters a word.

But, once she out. She is able to home in on your core limiting pattern or belief in supersonic speed, helping you see the truth about your situation or pervasive feeling of stuckness in a supportive, kind way. I love her fresh perspective on the seemingly "unsolvable" issues in my life that I've been living with for decades. She not only gives you new hope but provides you with an actual roadmap to where you want to go... especially, if your path is the road less taken. If you've been overthinking your issues for years, and still don't see a way out, just book a call. Alexa can help. Plus, she's an effervescent joy to work with!"

Jennifer Davis-Flynn

Think of this as your microdosing manual. I give this to all my clients so they can refer to it as they go. This is my exact methodology of how to microdose for change, and a great taste to what working in the cohort will be like.

Think of this as your microdosing manual. I give this to all my clients so they can refer to it as they go. This is my exact methodology of how to microdose for change, and a great taste to what working in the cohort will be like.

Before you dive in, get familiar

download my free microdosing guide

I believe the best decisions lie on the edge of this feeling

Curious but not sure?

Book a call and let's see if this will be a good fit for you

book a free call

Book a call and let's see if this will be a good fit for you