Unlocking the Psychedelic Healing Power of Cannabis

Unlocking the Psychedelic Healing Power of Cannabis

My decision to work with cannabis in the nature of a psychedelic journey was not one I was going to take on my own. I was catapulted into the experience alongside my psychedelic integration training program, not expecting much, and also deeply curious that this medicine I was using almost daily could be ‘psychedelic.’

Cannabis was a crutch to me, giving me deeper insight into my own meditative process and also serving as a numbing agent to the anxiety that I was still feeling in my life more frequently that I had wanted to. Our relationship wasn’t clear.

What I expected from the journey versus what I got are two totally different experiences. From the powerful energetic release in my right shoulder, to the visuals and unravellings of how much I was unwilling to see myself, to the medicine firmly telling me that ‘until I could respect her, she was not going to respect me.

I emerged from the experience with an entirely new perspective on the plant that I was most familiar with.

I have a deeper reverence for cannabis than I ever have before.

Misusing Cannabis as an Initiatory Experience

Among psychedelics, cannabis has unique ability to quickly reveal the inner workings of our brains, often showing us our dark side and what triggers us with awareness and a newfound understanding. If you’ve ever been high from cannabis, you know that it often has you thinking in ways you don’t typically think, whether that’s ‘good‘ or ‘bad‘ is in the eyes of the beholder.

It’s no wonder that experienced psychonauts such as Aubrey Marcus claim that cannabis is one of the most difficult psychedelics to work with due to its potent introspective effects.

Entering a sacred cannabis journey is asking the medicine to show you your shadows and the inner workings of your mind from a perspective that you wouldn’t likely take on in your non-altered state of living. Finding the balance with cannabis to be both light and dark is the challenge, and when you take this challenge on with bravery and autonomy, then you have the power to unlock the magic of working with this plant ally.

For individuals who have previously misused or abused cannabis, working with it in a ceremonial or intentional context can be a challenging experience. There’s an opportunity to mend your relationship with cannabis if you’re a frequent user to be one of more intention spiritual focus which often requires you to get real about your cannabis use.

Are you using it to cope with the daily struggle and challenges of life?

Don’t be discouraged if you are, from my own experience with this plant, this actually felt like the initiatory experience I needed to see it through to the other side. In many ways, my ability to be open to see what was causing me my anxiety and my own emotional suppression was the key that was able to pull me out of it.

When you reach this point in your journey, you realize there’s more work to be done beyond your dance with the plant, this is where the integration of cannabis can unlock it’s transformative power. Coming in contact with your shadow self is an opportunity to continue exploring what the part of you needs to heal and keep growing.

Respecting Cannabis: Honoring the Sacred

Cannabis, known by various names including ganja and Indricana, has predominantly been used as either a medicine most commonly for pain management or a recreational drug, but not so much as a psychedelic.

Even referring to this plant medicine by the proper name is important; referring to it as “weed” infers it’s unwanted and unacceptable, as it is often used by those who abuse the plant. Instead, using terms like cannabis or ganja acknowledges the sacred nature and history of medicinal and spiritual use.

So is how we approach the medicine important. Cannabis is a sticky plant, both in the physical and in the mind. As someone who used ganja daily for years as a way to cope with my own existence and shortcomings, I was thrusted into the not-so-positive side effects of the medicine. It put a magnifying glass to shadow parts of myself that I was running from. It catalyzed my anxiety, sunk me deeper into my laziness, and shunned me into cycles of binge-eating that only caused me more shame in my non-altered life. Yet, I craved her and kept running back for more. If you know you know, cannabis can feel like the luring siren that called on the boat in the story of Odysseus.

The Spiritual Cannabis Experience: Embracing the Trickster

However, when approached with intention and respect, cannabis can provide profound spiritual experiences. Working with her in this way allowed me to deepen my relationship with the medicine, actually calling on her wisdom for more guidance. Seeing that she did condone my pleasure-seeking habits, within reason of course.

Eating for pleasure, yes.

Eating mindlessly to satisfy the craving, no.

Sex and self-pleasure, hell yes.

Sex and self-pleasure to numb and to not be present to the feelings, no.

I quickly learned that the relationship she wanted me to carry was all within reason and moderation, all with deep reverence to what she was showing me that I could then take into my daily life when she wasn’t with me. She wanted me to integrate this wisdom into my life, so she kept showing me the light and the dark as a way to show me what I was running from.

When using cannabis in any application, it acts as a mirror, reflecting both the positive and negative aspects of the user’s relationship with the plant. Ingesting non-sacred, non-cared for ganja, not respecting her power, not being aware of her trickster properties, likely will result in a negative, addictive, and less spiritual experience with the plant. She won’t give you what you want if you’re not ready for it.

Through intentional use, cannabis can uncover deeper aspects of the soul and facilitate personal growth and healing, connecting you to your sense of intuition and a whole lot more as we’ll discuss in the benefits of using cannabis sacredly in a later section.

What Type of Cannabis to Work With: Knowing Your Supply

In today’s industrialized cannabis market, it’s important and crucial to know the source of your cannabis, as this greatly impact the experience you will have.

Commercialized production methods may result in lower quality products that lack the energy and potency of sun-grown cannabis. It makes sense, as a plant, cannabis thrives in sun-grown, natural environments, rooting deeply into the soil and rising up toward the light, vs the alternative of growing under artificial light in pots.

The type of cannabis matters greatly; high-quality, organic strains with high THC content (20-30%) offer a vastly different experience compared to stale, low-quality, low THC varieties.

Additionally, the method of ingestion, whether smoking or ingesting oils, can significantly alter the effects of the plant, leaning toward the oil ingestion, as it’s processed in the liver where certain alkaloids are present (CCSA).

The Benefits of Working with Cannabis

  • Enhanced intuition and heightened awareness
  • Promotes deep states of meditation and presence
  • Fosters a connection with purpose and life’s meaning
  • Stimulates abstract thinking and imaginative ideas
  • Inspires vivid visual imagery
  • Increases emotional awareness and facilitates emotional release
  • Supports trauma resolution and regulates the nervous system
  • Induces deep muscle relaxation and aids in trauma resolution
  • Balances chakra channels and promotes energy flow
  • Facilitates energetic movement throughout the body
  • Cultivates a sense of empowerment and control in life situations
  • Enhances creative problem-solving abilities
  • Enables exploration of memories and awareness of mental processes, leading to resolution of unhealthy patterns

Cited source: (https://medicinalmindfulness.org/therapy/all-specialties/psychedelic-cannabis-therapy-experiences/)

Who Should Work with Cannabis as a Psychedelic Ally

Cannabis can be a valuable psychedelic ally for a range of individuals.

  • Experienced psychonauts can explore its unique effects as part of their journey.
  • Those new to psychedelics or apprehensive about the legality of other substances, cannabis offers a legal and accessible option for exploration
  • People suffering with symptoms of anxiety, depression, and feelings of purposelessness

The journey of working with cannabis as a psychedelic ally is one of profound self-discovery and transformation. It requires more than just taking the medicine, but integrating the insights, much like you would any traditional psychedelic journey.

My own experience navigating this realm has taught me that the relationship with this sacred plant goes far beyond mere recreation or medicine. It’s about respecting its power, embracing its trickster nature, and delving into the depths of my own consciousness with intention and reverence.

What I expected from this journey versus what I got were two entirely different experiences. From powerful energetic releases to profound insights into my subconscious mind, cannabis showed me that it demands respect and offers profound wisdom to those who are willing to listen.

I invite you to share your thoughts and experiences with cannabis as a psychedelic in the comments below.

Was This Post Helpful? Are You Thinking of Working With Psychedelics Now?

If yes, but you’re not sure what would be best for you, or you’re totally ready to get started, go ahead and book a free call with me. I’ll help you understand the best path for you so you can truly get the most out of it! And for more psychedelic and transformation tips like this, subscribe to my weekly newsletter, The Art of Change to get them delivered straight to your inbox, along with the gory deets about how I navigate this world as a highly sensitive girlie who uses psychedelics. 🎉🙆🏽‍♀️

My decision to work with cannabis in the nature of a psychedelic journey was not one I was going to take on my own. I was catapulted into the experience alongside my psychedelic integration training program, not expecting much, and also deeply curious that this medicine I was using almost daily could be ‘psychedelic.’

Cannabis was a crutch to me, giving me deeper insight into my own meditative process and also serving as a numbing agent to the anxiety that I was still feeling in my life more frequently that I had wanted to. Our relationship wasn’t clear.

What I expected from the journey versus what I got are two totally different experiences. From the powerful energetic release in my right shoulder, to the visuals and unravellings of how much I was unwilling to see myself, to the medicine firmly telling me that ‘until I could respect her, she was not going to respect me.

I emerged from the experience with an entirely new perspective on the plant that I was most familiar with.

I have a deeper reverence for cannabis than I ever have before.

Misusing Cannabis as an Initiatory Experience

Among psychedelics, cannabis has unique ability to quickly reveal the inner workings of our brains, often showing us our dark side and what triggers us with awareness and a newfound understanding. If you’ve ever been high from cannabis, you know that it often has you thinking in ways you don’t typically think, whether that’s ‘good‘ or ‘bad‘ is in the eyes of the beholder.

It’s no wonder that experienced psychonauts such as Aubrey Marcus claim that cannabis is one of the most difficult psychedelics to work with due to its potent introspective effects.

Entering a sacred cannabis journey is asking the medicine to show you your shadows and the inner workings of your mind from a perspective that you wouldn’t likely take on in your non-altered state of living. Finding the balance with cannabis to be both light and dark is the challenge, and when you take this challenge on with bravery and autonomy, then you have the power to unlock the magic of working with this plant ally.

For individuals who have previously misused or abused cannabis, working with it in a ceremonial or intentional context can be a challenging experience. There’s an opportunity to mend your relationship with cannabis if you’re a frequent user to be one of more intention spiritual focus which often requires you to get real about your cannabis use.

Are you using it to cope with the daily struggle and challenges of life?

Don’t be discouraged if you are, from my own experience with this plant, this actually felt like the initiatory experience I needed to see it through to the other side. In many ways, my ability to be open to see what was causing me my anxiety and my own emotional suppression was the key that was able to pull me out of it.

When you reach this point in your journey, you realize there’s more work to be done beyond your dance with the plant, this is where the integration of cannabis can unlock it’s transformative power. Coming in contact with your shadow self is an opportunity to continue exploring what the part of you needs to heal and keep growing.

Respecting Cannabis: Honoring the Sacred

Cannabis, known by various names including ganja and Indricana, has predominantly been used as either a medicine most commonly for pain management or a recreational drug, but not so much as a psychedelic.

Even referring to this plant medicine by the proper name is important; referring to it as “weed” infers it’s unwanted and unacceptable, as it is often used by those who abuse the plant. Instead, using terms like cannabis or ganja acknowledges the sacred nature and history of medicinal and spiritual use.

So is how we approach the medicine important. Cannabis is a sticky plant, both in the physical and in the mind. As someone who used ganja daily for years as a way to cope with my own existence and shortcomings, I was thrusted into the not-so-positive side effects of the medicine. It put a magnifying glass to shadow parts of myself that I was running from. It catalyzed my anxiety, sunk me deeper into my laziness, and shunned me into cycles of binge-eating that only caused me more shame in my non-altered life. Yet, I craved her and kept running back for more. If you know you know, cannabis can feel like the luring siren that called on the boat in the story of Odysseus.

The Spiritual Cannabis Experience: Embracing the Trickster

However, when approached with intention and respect, cannabis can provide profound spiritual experiences. Working with her in this way allowed me to deepen my relationship with the medicine, actually calling on her wisdom for more guidance. Seeing that she did condone my pleasure-seeking habits, within reason of course.

Eating for pleasure, yes.

Eating mindlessly to satisfy the craving, no.

Sex and self-pleasure, hell yes.

Sex and self-pleasure to numb and to not be present to the feelings, no.

I quickly learned that the relationship she wanted me to carry was all within reason and moderation, all with deep reverence to what she was showing me that I could then take into my daily life when she wasn’t with me. She wanted me to integrate this wisdom into my life, so she kept showing me the light and the dark as a way to show me what I was running from.

When using cannabis in any application, it acts as a mirror, reflecting both the positive and negative aspects of the user’s relationship with the plant. Ingesting non-sacred, non-cared for ganja, not respecting her power, not being aware of her trickster properties, likely will result in a negative, addictive, and less spiritual experience with the plant. She won’t give you what you want if you’re not ready for it.

Through intentional use, cannabis can uncover deeper aspects of the soul and facilitate personal growth and healing, connecting you to your sense of intuition and a whole lot more as we’ll discuss in the benefits of using cannabis sacredly in a later section.

What Type of Cannabis to Work With: Knowing Your Supply

In today’s industrialized cannabis market, it’s important and crucial to know the source of your cannabis, as this greatly impact the experience you will have.

Commercialized production methods may result in lower quality products that lack the energy and potency of sun-grown cannabis. It makes sense, as a plant, cannabis thrives in sun-grown, natural environments, rooting deeply into the soil and rising up toward the light, vs the alternative of growing under artificial light in pots.

The type of cannabis matters greatly; high-quality, organic strains with high THC content (20-30%) offer a vastly different experience compared to stale, low-quality, low THC varieties.

Additionally, the method of ingestion, whether smoking or ingesting oils, can significantly alter the effects of the plant, leaning toward the oil ingestion, as it’s processed in the liver where certain alkaloids are present (CCSA).

The Benefits of Working with Cannabis

  • Enhanced intuition and heightened awareness
  • Promotes deep states of meditation and presence
  • Fosters a connection with purpose and life’s meaning
  • Stimulates abstract thinking and imaginative ideas
  • Inspires vivid visual imagery
  • Increases emotional awareness and facilitates emotional release
  • Supports trauma resolution and regulates the nervous system
  • Induces deep muscle relaxation and aids in trauma resolution
  • Balances chakra channels and promotes energy flow
  • Facilitates energetic movement throughout the body
  • Cultivates a sense of empowerment and control in life situations
  • Enhances creative problem-solving abilities
  • Enables exploration of memories and awareness of mental processes, leading to resolution of unhealthy patterns

Cited source: (https://medicinalmindfulness.org/therapy/all-specialties/psychedelic-cannabis-therapy-experiences/)

Who Should Work with Cannabis as a Psychedelic Ally

Cannabis can be a valuable psychedelic ally for a range of individuals.

  • Experienced psychonauts can explore its unique effects as part of their journey.
  • Those new to psychedelics or apprehensive about the legality of other substances, cannabis offers a legal and accessible option for exploration
  • People suffering with symptoms of anxiety, depression, and feelings of purposelessness

The journey of working with cannabis as a psychedelic ally is one of profound self-discovery and transformation. It requires more than just taking the medicine, but integrating the insights, much like you would any traditional psychedelic journey.

My own experience navigating this realm has taught me that the relationship with this sacred plant goes far beyond mere recreation or medicine. It’s about respecting its power, embracing its trickster nature, and delving into the depths of my own consciousness with intention and reverence.

What I expected from this journey versus what I got were two entirely different experiences. From powerful energetic releases to profound insights into my subconscious mind, cannabis showed me that it demands respect and offers profound wisdom to those who are willing to listen.

I invite you to share your thoughts and experiences with cannabis as a psychedelic in the comments below.

Was This Post Helpful? Are You Thinking of Working With Psychedelics Now?

If yes, but you’re not sure what would be best for you, or you’re totally ready to get started, go ahead and book a free call with me. I’ll help you understand the best path for you so you can truly get the most out of it! And for more psychedelic and transformation tips like this, subscribe to my weekly newsletter, The Art of Change to get them delivered straight to your inbox, along with the gory deets about how I navigate this world as a highly sensitive girlie who uses psychedelics. 🎉🙆🏽‍♀️

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If you're curious about the apparent magic of psychedelics but don't know where to start and have felt like you want more out of life but don't quite know how to get there—nice to meet you, I think you're gonna want to pay attention.

I coach and guide others using psychedelics as an ally and intentional integration as a way to connect with your deepest self 

My goal is to help you see that emotions are your greatest teachers and guides and when you're tapped into them, you can fully align with who you know you can be.

If you're curious about the apparent magic of psychedelics but don't know where to start and have felt like you want more out of life but don't quite know how to get there—nice to meet you, I think you're gonna want to pay attention.

I coach and guide others using psychedelics as an ally and intentional integration as a way to connect with your deepest self 

My goal is to help you see that emotions are your greatest teachers and guides and when you're tapped into them, you can fully align with who you know you can be.

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Hi, I'm Lex—Microdosing coach and

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Are you experimenting with psychedelics on your own? This may help

Want an expert approach to microdosing for real change? I've poured my heart into this guide to give you the full protocol I not only take myself through, but all my clients. From intention setting to specific integration practices, this is the best microdosing guide you'll find if you really want to tap into the plant wisdom.

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are you experimenting with psychedelics on your own?
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Want an expert approach to microdosing for real change? I've poured my heart into this guide to give you the full protocol I not only take myself through, but all my clients. From intention setting to specific integration practices, this is the best microdosing guide you'll find if you really want to tap into the plant wisdom.

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