How to Microdose to Integrate a Macrodose Journey

How to Microdose to Integrate a Macrodose Journey

High-dose psychedelic experiences often lead to profound insights, emotional breakthroughs, and a deep sense of connection to something greater. For many, such experiences are described as “the single most significant moment of their lives.” But as powerful as a high-dose journey can be, the real change and transformation happen afterward—during the integration phase.

Integration, often misunderstood, goes beyond just “making sense” of the experience. It involves grounding the insights into daily life through consistent actions and routines, becoming a catalyst for lasting growth and transformation.

Microdosing—taking small, sub-perceptual doses of psychedelics—can be a powerful tool for integration. When used in a structured protocol, microdosing supports the neuroplasticity and heightened awareness that follow a high-dose journey. It can stabilize emotions, deepen insights, and make integration more manageable. While microdosing won’t do the work for you, it streamlines the process, creating a sustainable pathway for transformation.

Let’s explore how microdosing for integration can support you after a high-dose psychedelic experience.

The Purpose of Integration After a High-Dose Journey

After the effects of a high-dose psychedelic experience wear off, you’re left with insights, memories, and feelings that need to be processed. This marks the beginning of the integration phase.

Making Sense of Your Experience

The first step is to make deep, meaningful sense of the experience. Integration begins with understanding what’s relevant to your life and actionable in your current circumstances.

You likely entered the macrodose journey with an intention, which can now act as a frame of reference. Filter your experience through this lens to identify the moments and insights that are most significant for your current stage of life. Trust that anything truly important will resurface in the future if it’s not relevant now.

Grounding Insights Into Daily Life

Once you’ve made sense of your experience, the next step is start your integration practice by grounding these insights into daily life through action. This could involve starting a meditation practice, spending time in nature, prioritizing self-care, or making time for loved ones.

Integration looks different for everyone. Each journey requires a unique approach based on what you’re working through. Many struggle with maintaining the feelings of connectedness or incorporating new perspectives into daily routines. The key is to take it slow. Processing big ideas takes time, even when they felt clear during the macrodose experience.

The goal of integration is to create sustainable change that feels more connected and fulfilling over time. For many, this is where microdosing for integration becomes especially beneficial.

How Microdosing Supports Integration

Following a high-dose journey, the brain enters a heightened state of neuroplasticity, making it more adaptable and open to change. Microdosing can help extend these benefits, bridging the gap between the mystical insights of the macrodose and the practical realities of daily life.

Key Benefits of Microdosing for Integration

  1. Emotional Regulation: High-dose journeys can leave you feeling emotionally raw or overwhelmed. Microdosing provides stability, helping you process heightened emotions with greater ease.
  2. Enhancing Mindfulness: One of the beautiful benefits of microdosing is the attention to mindfulness that it cultivates. People often explain newfound feelings of presence and engagement to what’s right in front of them which can help you build more focus and clarity into your integration plan and process. Presence is almost always the answer when trying to cultivate more of a stress-free life and connect deeper with your intuition.
  3. Increasing Emotional Resilience: As you embark on a path to change and transform, your subconscious mind and the way you’ve always done things will undoubtedly be activated and triggered. This part of the process is where most people get tripped up, falling back to old habits and beliefs that are meant to keep them “safe” and “stuck.” Microdosing can aid in dealing with these challenges and roadblocks, helping you create more awareness, curiosity, and resolve around these outdated belief systems. When you begin to see that they are merely roadblocks and that you’re strong enough to overcome them, your emotional resilience will rise and flourish.
  4. Boosting Creativity and Problem-Solving: Similar to above, the challenges that often arise in our lives regardless of whether we have just done a macrodose journey or not typically require more creative solutions and out-of-the-box thinking. The answers aren’t always so obvious and especially since all of us are so unique and different, what works for someone may not always work for you. Creative problem-solving can reduce a lot of stress and anxiety that comes with feeling like things are unfixable.

Nerd out more about how psychedelics affect the brain here!

Practical Tips for Microdosing to Integrate a Macrodose Journey

To get the most from microdosing for integration, follow these steps:

  1. Time Your Start Date: Begin microdosing a few days after your macrodose journey to give your brain and nervous system time to recover. Mark your start date on the calendar and commit to it.
  2. Choose a Protocol:
    • Fadiman Protocol: 1 day on, 2 days off.Stamets Protocol: 4 days on, 3 days off.The Fadiman Protocol is often easier for beginners, while the Stamets Protocol may be better for experienced microdosers.
    As a rule of thumb, the Fadiman is a great for beginners whereas the Stamets is great for experienced microdosers, though either method is effective, I think the Fadiman integrates into life with more ease over the Stamets. Whichever protocol you choose, stick to it for at least 2 months and a max of 3 months. This is a good sweet spot to get the most from a microdosing protocol without your brain becoming dependent and potentially overwhelmed by the amount of neural changes it’s making. Read more on choosing a protocol and timing your microdoses.
  3. Find Your Dose: Depending on what medicine you’re working with, I typically suggest the medicine you macrodose journeyed with so microdose mushrooms for a mushroom journey, you’ll want to work with the microdose that is good for you.
    There are two ways to approach finding your dose:
    1. Use the standard microdose and track how you feel over time.The standard microdose for psilocybin in .1g/100mg.The standard microdose for LSD is 10 micrograms.Calibrate your dose with more precision and follow a calibration guide. Blog post on this coming soon!Pick a day when you have nothing going on, start with the standard microdose amount and then go about by that standard every hour until you notice perceptual changes.The next day you microdose, go just below that dose. So for example if you make it to 300mg of psilocybin on the first day, the next day you would microdose 200mg and see how you feel.If you don’t notice any perceptual changes, that’s your dose.
    It’s important to find the dose that works for you so you can get the most from your protocol experience. Even though the standard is typical, there are certainly people who need more and less! Listen to your own body to know what your dose actually is.
  4. Set Intentions: Carry your intention from your macrojourney into your microdosing journey. It’s likely that the insights that you received from your high dose journey are going to be the same insights you’ll want to integrate into your daily habits and routine through your microdosing protocol. Staying connected to this intention can make the results profoundly impactful over time. Each session, connect with that intention and continue to find ways that you can weave these new insights and ideas into life in a way that’s going to catalyze change for you slowly and sustainably.
  5. Track Your Progress: Whenever you’re actively participating in a microdosing protocol, tracking your emotions, insights, and progress through a reflective method such as journaling is going to be highly supportive as you make long-term change. You can do this simply by keeping a separate journal for your microdosing journey and note how you feel in the morning, afternoon, and night. If you’re not a big journaler, keep it light and/or keep a note in your phone to keep track of how you’re feeling even minimally. This process encourages inward reflection and can increase curiosity as you make changes over time.
  6. Incorporate Complementary Practices: Pair microdosing with practices like meditation, yoga, nature walks, or breathwork to support the body-mind-heart connection and move energy intentionally. Here are some more ideas of practices you can pair your microdosing protocol with.

Benefits of Combining Microdosing With Integration

Sustainable Change

What I love most about using microdosing as a macrodosing integrative tool is the ease of which it allows you to access long-lasting transformation by extending the neuroplastic properties that a macrodose journey induces and allowing for more sustainable change over time.

A high dose journey may feel like a massive amount of information fed into your brain all at once, which can be overwhelming. Pairing a macrodose journey with microdosing integration allows you to capture those changes in more bite size pieces and see how they’re being engaged in your daily habits and routines. Rather than solving all the universe’s secrets, you’re simply going thread by thread and simplifying these large concepts to be more accessible in your earth body.

Self-Awareness and Emotional Regulation

A microdosing protocol is going to allow you to tap into self-awareness in a way you may never have explored before. As you do so, you may start to become aware of your triggers and where you become emotionally dysregulated. The idea of microdosing is to bring this awareness to the forefront as it aids you in finding ways to re-regulate your nervous system and explore your triggers with more curiosity than judgment.

This process can be incredibly moving for people who have never practiced looking inward like this before. With the aid of the medicine you’re working with, you can start to soften that which usually hardens you and find self-compassion for yourself in a new way. There’s a beauty in the slowness that the medicine often shows you, and as you’re coming down from your macrodose journey, trust that the slowness and new awareness is there to help you find peace, even if it doesn’t feel like it immediately.

Mental Clarity and Focus

Many people turn to microdosing for the promise of clarity, creativity, and focus, all of which are beneficial to you as you’re rewiring your neural pathways to support new ideas, insights and ways of being. The sustained clarity and focus can help you stay the course to what is important to you on your integration journey, and the enhanced creativity can help you access creative solutions you may not have thought of before. These added benefits can make the integration process feel much more easeful.

Reduced Anxiety

Reduced anxiety is common for people who are actively microdosing, often because of the new perspectives that are being explored that help individuals meet the anxiety with compassion versus resistance. The reduced anxiety effect can be massively helpful as your integrating a macrodose journey because of the heightened anxiety that can occur after someone has had a high dose journey experience. This happens mostly from overwhelm and confusion post-journey, it’s not uncommon to want to feel the way you felt in the experience again and be frustrated that life on earth is much different than the spiritual realm you explored. Either way, with microdosing helping you reduce and get to the root of your anxiety, you’ll open up more space to focus on what you can work on versus what you can’t.

Cautions and Considerations

Microdosing is a great way to integrate but cannot fully replace integration therapy or coaching. For anyone who’s new to the world of psychedelics or simply wants to use these as transformative tools but hasn’t found a way how to yet, it’s always wise to work with someone who is both trained in this work and that you can trust. Microdosing can be complex and bring up a lot of emotions, triggers, and complicated insights that aren’t always simple to work through.

I would suggest if you’ve never tried microdosing before to not pair it with integrating a macrodose journey if you’re not going to work with a coach or trained practitioner.

Dosing is also critical, doing too much is always a potential risk and can impact your daily life and routine drastically if you’re not careful. If you’re not sure if you’re working with the right dose then odds are you’re probably right. Ask an expert and get an opinion that’s just for you. I always offer free 1:1 info calls for this reason, if you want to book one just to know if you’re working with the right dose, schedule a time with me to chat.

If you’re using this as a replacement to do the actual work, then I would advise you to just not. These medicines are powerful and they’ll show you where you need to pay attention whether you’re ready to hear it or not. Oftentimes people who express negative experiences and bad trips in either macro or microdose journeys are particiapting in the work passively versus actively. The medicine is smart, it’s not going to give you the answers just by doing it. Your active participation is always required, microdosing isn’t going to make it easier, it will just make it more apparent so long as you’re down for the cause.

In Summary

Microdosing is a powerful tool for integrating a high-dose journey, offering benefits like emotional regulation, clarity, and sustained insights. By combining microdosing with intentional practices, you can create a foundation for lasting transformation.

If you’re curious about exploring this further, download my free microdosing guide. Psychedelic transformation is potent work, and I honor your exploration into these tools for growth and healing.

Was This Post Helpful? Are You Thinking of Working With Psychedelics Now?

If yes, but you’re not sure what would be best for you, or you’re totally ready to get started, go ahead and book a free call with me. I’ll help you understand the best path for you so you can truly get the most out of it! And for more psychedelic and transformation tips like this, subscribe to my weekly newsletter, The Art of Change to get them delivered straight to your inbox, along with the gory deets about how I navigate this world as a highly sensitive girlie who uses psychedelics. 🎉🙆🏽‍♀️

High-dose psychedelic experiences often lead to profound insights, emotional breakthroughs, and a deep sense of connection to something greater. For many, such experiences are described as “the single most significant moment of their lives.” But as powerful as a high-dose journey can be, the real change and transformation happen afterward—during the integration phase.

Integration, often misunderstood, goes beyond just “making sense” of the experience. It involves grounding the insights into daily life through consistent actions and routines, becoming a catalyst for lasting growth and transformation.

Microdosing—taking small, sub-perceptual doses of psychedelics—can be a powerful tool for integration. When used in a structured protocol, microdosing supports the neuroplasticity and heightened awareness that follow a high-dose journey. It can stabilize emotions, deepen insights, and make integration more manageable. While microdosing won’t do the work for you, it streamlines the process, creating a sustainable pathway for transformation.

Let’s explore how microdosing for integration can support you after a high-dose psychedelic experience.

The Purpose of Integration After a High-Dose Journey

After the effects of a high-dose psychedelic experience wear off, you’re left with insights, memories, and feelings that need to be processed. This marks the beginning of the integration phase.

Making Sense of Your Experience

The first step is to make deep, meaningful sense of the experience. Integration begins with understanding what’s relevant to your life and actionable in your current circumstances.

You likely entered the macrodose journey with an intention, which can now act as a frame of reference. Filter your experience through this lens to identify the moments and insights that are most significant for your current stage of life. Trust that anything truly important will resurface in the future if it’s not relevant now.

Grounding Insights Into Daily Life

Once you’ve made sense of your experience, the next step is start your integration practice by grounding these insights into daily life through action. This could involve starting a meditation practice, spending time in nature, prioritizing self-care, or making time for loved ones.

Integration looks different for everyone. Each journey requires a unique approach based on what you’re working through. Many struggle with maintaining the feelings of connectedness or incorporating new perspectives into daily routines. The key is to take it slow. Processing big ideas takes time, even when they felt clear during the macrodose experience.

The goal of integration is to create sustainable change that feels more connected and fulfilling over time. For many, this is where microdosing for integration becomes especially beneficial.

How Microdosing Supports Integration

Following a high-dose journey, the brain enters a heightened state of neuroplasticity, making it more adaptable and open to change. Microdosing can help extend these benefits, bridging the gap between the mystical insights of the macrodose and the practical realities of daily life.

Key Benefits of Microdosing for Integration

  1. Emotional Regulation: High-dose journeys can leave you feeling emotionally raw or overwhelmed. Microdosing provides stability, helping you process heightened emotions with greater ease.
  2. Enhancing Mindfulness: One of the beautiful benefits of microdosing is the attention to mindfulness that it cultivates. People often explain newfound feelings of presence and engagement to what’s right in front of them which can help you build more focus and clarity into your integration plan and process. Presence is almost always the answer when trying to cultivate more of a stress-free life and connect deeper with your intuition.
  3. Increasing Emotional Resilience: As you embark on a path to change and transform, your subconscious mind and the way you’ve always done things will undoubtedly be activated and triggered. This part of the process is where most people get tripped up, falling back to old habits and beliefs that are meant to keep them “safe” and “stuck.” Microdosing can aid in dealing with these challenges and roadblocks, helping you create more awareness, curiosity, and resolve around these outdated belief systems. When you begin to see that they are merely roadblocks and that you’re strong enough to overcome them, your emotional resilience will rise and flourish.
  4. Boosting Creativity and Problem-Solving: Similar to above, the challenges that often arise in our lives regardless of whether we have just done a macrodose journey or not typically require more creative solutions and out-of-the-box thinking. The answers aren’t always so obvious and especially since all of us are so unique and different, what works for someone may not always work for you. Creative problem-solving can reduce a lot of stress and anxiety that comes with feeling like things are unfixable.

Nerd out more about how psychedelics affect the brain here!

Practical Tips for Microdosing to Integrate a Macrodose Journey

To get the most from microdosing for integration, follow these steps:

  1. Time Your Start Date: Begin microdosing a few days after your macrodose journey to give your brain and nervous system time to recover. Mark your start date on the calendar and commit to it.
  2. Choose a Protocol:
    • Fadiman Protocol: 1 day on, 2 days off.Stamets Protocol: 4 days on, 3 days off.The Fadiman Protocol is often easier for beginners, while the Stamets Protocol may be better for experienced microdosers.
    As a rule of thumb, the Fadiman is a great for beginners whereas the Stamets is great for experienced microdosers, though either method is effective, I think the Fadiman integrates into life with more ease over the Stamets. Whichever protocol you choose, stick to it for at least 2 months and a max of 3 months. This is a good sweet spot to get the most from a microdosing protocol without your brain becoming dependent and potentially overwhelmed by the amount of neural changes it’s making. Read more on choosing a protocol and timing your microdoses.
  3. Find Your Dose: Depending on what medicine you’re working with, I typically suggest the medicine you macrodose journeyed with so microdose mushrooms for a mushroom journey, you’ll want to work with the microdose that is good for you.
    There are two ways to approach finding your dose:
    1. Use the standard microdose and track how you feel over time.The standard microdose for psilocybin in .1g/100mg.The standard microdose for LSD is 10 micrograms.Calibrate your dose with more precision and follow a calibration guide. Blog post on this coming soon!Pick a day when you have nothing going on, start with the standard microdose amount and then go about by that standard every hour until you notice perceptual changes.The next day you microdose, go just below that dose. So for example if you make it to 300mg of psilocybin on the first day, the next day you would microdose 200mg and see how you feel.If you don’t notice any perceptual changes, that’s your dose.
    It’s important to find the dose that works for you so you can get the most from your protocol experience. Even though the standard is typical, there are certainly people who need more and less! Listen to your own body to know what your dose actually is.
  4. Set Intentions: Carry your intention from your macrojourney into your microdosing journey. It’s likely that the insights that you received from your high dose journey are going to be the same insights you’ll want to integrate into your daily habits and routine through your microdosing protocol. Staying connected to this intention can make the results profoundly impactful over time. Each session, connect with that intention and continue to find ways that you can weave these new insights and ideas into life in a way that’s going to catalyze change for you slowly and sustainably.
  5. Track Your Progress: Whenever you’re actively participating in a microdosing protocol, tracking your emotions, insights, and progress through a reflective method such as journaling is going to be highly supportive as you make long-term change. You can do this simply by keeping a separate journal for your microdosing journey and note how you feel in the morning, afternoon, and night. If you’re not a big journaler, keep it light and/or keep a note in your phone to keep track of how you’re feeling even minimally. This process encourages inward reflection and can increase curiosity as you make changes over time.
  6. Incorporate Complementary Practices: Pair microdosing with practices like meditation, yoga, nature walks, or breathwork to support the body-mind-heart connection and move energy intentionally. Here are some more ideas of practices you can pair your microdosing protocol with.

Benefits of Combining Microdosing With Integration

Sustainable Change

What I love most about using microdosing as a macrodosing integrative tool is the ease of which it allows you to access long-lasting transformation by extending the neuroplastic properties that a macrodose journey induces and allowing for more sustainable change over time.

A high dose journey may feel like a massive amount of information fed into your brain all at once, which can be overwhelming. Pairing a macrodose journey with microdosing integration allows you to capture those changes in more bite size pieces and see how they’re being engaged in your daily habits and routines. Rather than solving all the universe’s secrets, you’re simply going thread by thread and simplifying these large concepts to be more accessible in your earth body.

Self-Awareness and Emotional Regulation

A microdosing protocol is going to allow you to tap into self-awareness in a way you may never have explored before. As you do so, you may start to become aware of your triggers and where you become emotionally dysregulated. The idea of microdosing is to bring this awareness to the forefront as it aids you in finding ways to re-regulate your nervous system and explore your triggers with more curiosity than judgment.

This process can be incredibly moving for people who have never practiced looking inward like this before. With the aid of the medicine you’re working with, you can start to soften that which usually hardens you and find self-compassion for yourself in a new way. There’s a beauty in the slowness that the medicine often shows you, and as you’re coming down from your macrodose journey, trust that the slowness and new awareness is there to help you find peace, even if it doesn’t feel like it immediately.

Mental Clarity and Focus

Many people turn to microdosing for the promise of clarity, creativity, and focus, all of which are beneficial to you as you’re rewiring your neural pathways to support new ideas, insights and ways of being. The sustained clarity and focus can help you stay the course to what is important to you on your integration journey, and the enhanced creativity can help you access creative solutions you may not have thought of before. These added benefits can make the integration process feel much more easeful.

Reduced Anxiety

Reduced anxiety is common for people who are actively microdosing, often because of the new perspectives that are being explored that help individuals meet the anxiety with compassion versus resistance. The reduced anxiety effect can be massively helpful as your integrating a macrodose journey because of the heightened anxiety that can occur after someone has had a high dose journey experience. This happens mostly from overwhelm and confusion post-journey, it’s not uncommon to want to feel the way you felt in the experience again and be frustrated that life on earth is much different than the spiritual realm you explored. Either way, with microdosing helping you reduce and get to the root of your anxiety, you’ll open up more space to focus on what you can work on versus what you can’t.

Cautions and Considerations

Microdosing is a great way to integrate but cannot fully replace integration therapy or coaching. For anyone who’s new to the world of psychedelics or simply wants to use these as transformative tools but hasn’t found a way how to yet, it’s always wise to work with someone who is both trained in this work and that you can trust. Microdosing can be complex and bring up a lot of emotions, triggers, and complicated insights that aren’t always simple to work through.

I would suggest if you’ve never tried microdosing before to not pair it with integrating a macrodose journey if you’re not going to work with a coach or trained practitioner.

Dosing is also critical, doing too much is always a potential risk and can impact your daily life and routine drastically if you’re not careful. If you’re not sure if you’re working with the right dose then odds are you’re probably right. Ask an expert and get an opinion that’s just for you. I always offer free 1:1 info calls for this reason, if you want to book one just to know if you’re working with the right dose, schedule a time with me to chat.

If you’re using this as a replacement to do the actual work, then I would advise you to just not. These medicines are powerful and they’ll show you where you need to pay attention whether you’re ready to hear it or not. Oftentimes people who express negative experiences and bad trips in either macro or microdose journeys are particiapting in the work passively versus actively. The medicine is smart, it’s not going to give you the answers just by doing it. Your active participation is always required, microdosing isn’t going to make it easier, it will just make it more apparent so long as you’re down for the cause.

In Summary

Microdosing is a powerful tool for integrating a high-dose journey, offering benefits like emotional regulation, clarity, and sustained insights. By combining microdosing with intentional practices, you can create a foundation for lasting transformation.

If you’re curious about exploring this further, download my free microdosing guide. Psychedelic transformation is potent work, and I honor your exploration into these tools for growth and healing.

Was This Post Helpful? Are You Thinking of Working With Psychedelics Now?

If yes, but you’re not sure what would be best for you, or you’re totally ready to get started, go ahead and book a free call with me. I’ll help you understand the best path for you so you can truly get the most out of it! And for more psychedelic and transformation tips like this, subscribe to my weekly newsletter, The Art of Change to get them delivered straight to your inbox, along with the gory deets about how I navigate this world as a highly sensitive girlie who uses psychedelics. 🎉🙆🏽‍♀️

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If you're curious about the apparent magic of psychedelics but don't know where to start and have felt like you want more out of life but don't quite know how to get there—nice to meet you, I think you're gonna want to pay attention.

I coach and guide others using psychedelics as an ally and intentional integration as a way to connect with your deepest self 

My goal is to help you see that emotions are your greatest teachers and guides and when you're tapped into them, you can fully align with who you know you can be.

If you're curious about the apparent magic of psychedelics but don't know where to start and have felt like you want more out of life but don't quite know how to get there—nice to meet you, I think you're gonna want to pay attention.

I coach and guide others using psychedelics as an ally and intentional integration as a way to connect with your deepest self 

My goal is to help you see that emotions are your greatest teachers and guides and when you're tapped into them, you can fully align with who you know you can be.

obsessed with

Hi, I'm Lex—Microdosing coach and

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change, emotions, and movement

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change, emotions, and movement

microdosing for transformation

Are you experimenting with psychedelics on your own? This may help

Want an expert approach to microdosing for real change? I've poured my heart into this guide to give you the full protocol I not only take myself through, but all my clients. From intention setting to specific integration practices, this is the best microdosing guide you'll find if you really want to tap into the plant wisdom.

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microdosing for transformation

are you experimenting with psychedelics on your own?
this may help

Want an expert approach to microdosing for real change? I've poured my heart into this guide to give you the full protocol I not only take myself through, but all my clients. From intention setting to specific integration practices, this is the best microdosing guide you'll find if you really want to tap into the plant wisdom.

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